PWB Exclusive Watch Party: The Juggling Act
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
CVBIA Office
5041 Corporate Woods Drive, Ste. 245
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
This event is free, we just ask that you register to be included for lunch!
Contact Information
Reagan Grohler
Send Email

Join CVBIA's PWB council for an exclusive watch party of the shop talk- The Juggling Act.
About this webinar: With summer coming to an end, parents who are also business owners or professionals that are integral to the day-to-day operations at their companies will have to split their time between back-to-school related activities and their jobs. What are some strategies for successfully navigating parental and professional responsibilities? Join moderator Terri Everhart of Homesite Services Inc., and conversation starters Dawn Duhamel of DTJ Design and Joshua Dean of Precision Homecrafters for a live Shop Talk discussion on August 15 at 11 a.m. ET highlighting ways parents can better balance their personal and professional lives.
PWB members are invited to the CVBIA Office to enjoy a light lunch, sponsored by Lansing Building Products, and watch the webinar with fellow council members.