CMHC Multifamily University: Fair Housing Webinar
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 2, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Webinar format. An access link and course materials will be provided to each registrant via email several days before the program date.
$45 for CMHC members ($40 for five or more employees from the same company) All registrations must be received by Monday, Sept. 29. No cancellations accepted after that date; no refunds.
Attention CMHC members: Click here for a registration form.
$60 for nonmembers
Nonmembers can register online by clicking the Register button.
Contact Information
Teresa Howell, staff vice president, Councils/Shows/Events
Send Email

Fair housing consultant A.J. Johnson returns with a review of fair housing law, a must-attend for anyone involved in residential property management.
The program is presented by the Coastal Multifamily Housing Council and has been approved by the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) for four hours of continuing education credit for fair housing certification.